Monday, December 20, 2010

One of the Thousand Reasons I Love My House...

During this time of year the sun sets around 5:30 every evening.

One of the many thousands of reasons I love my house is that from our couch I can look to my right through our sliding doors into the backyard, through our neighborhood, and all the way to the horizon and watch a gorgeous sunset every evening.

The picture really doesn't do it justice, and it was taken after the fact.

It never fails to take my breath away.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas in Wisconin

I still cannot imagine Christmas without snow, and so Nathan and I headed up to Sheboygan, WI to spend the week with my mom and dad, Grandpa and Grandma Buck. It was a WONDERFUL week and we were both spoiled like crazy.

Nathan got to see and play in snow, and then drive in a snow/ice storm on the way to the airport when we left Thursday night. That was a quick reminder for me that I am happy to live where I do! We almost got rear-ended and saw mulitple cars skid and a couple in ditches. No thanks...I'll stick to my sunny 60 degree winter weather! ;) Thank you Florida.

Here are a couple of pictures from our week:

 Which tree should we pick mom?

 Decking the halls...and the tree! :)

 Making cookies!

 Being goofy with Grandma and Grandpa Buck!

 Waiting to see Santa!

 Christmas dinner, yummy!

 Our first (and only!) snowfall of 2010

Watching the Christmas parade

Christmas in Wisconsin

Nathan and I had a wonderful week in Wisconsin hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Buck and seeing all the aunts and uncles except Uncle Kevin and Aunt Amanda in Baltimore who couldn't make it home. It was a very fun week filled with activities and lots of attention and spoiling of Nathan!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving by the Pool

Our little indians...

 Thanksgiving by the pool...a first for me!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Decorating for Christmas

We REALLY tried to wait until after Christmas, but just couldn't! We had a fun evening...

Already have a stocking for Baby #2, just need a name to go on it!

He was a big helper this year with the tree!

Daddy and Mommy's nativity

Nathan's nativity

Advent wreath

Nathan's tree that is in his room, it is the perfect night light!